Visit to Patna Shri krishna Science Centre: A Day of Scientific Wonder for Navjeevan Learning Center

Visit to Patna Shri krishna Science Centre: A Day of Scientific Wonder for Navjeevan Learning Center

Visit to Shrikrishna Science Centre: A Day of Scientific Wonder for Navjeevan Learning Center Children: A group of children from the Navjeevan Learning Center recently embarked on an exciting educational journey to the Shrikrishna Science Centre in Patna. This visit was designed to immerse young minds in scientific exploration and wonder, offering a plethora of engaging exhibits and activities aimed at igniting curiosity and fostering a love for science. The day was packed with highlights that made the visit an unforgettable experience for the children.

Highlights of the Visit

Taramandal Show Ticket
The day began with a visit to the Taramandal, where the children experienced a captivating show about the stars and the universe. The Taramandal show used a dome-shaped screen to project the night sky, allowing the children to learn about constellations, planets, and other celestial phenomena in an engaging and interactive manner. This immersive experience was a perfect introduction to the wonders of astronomy.

Science Show Ticket
Next, the children attended a live science show, which featured a series of exciting demonstrations and experiments. The presenters used everyday materials to illustrate scientific principles, making complex concepts accessible and fun. The interactive nature of the show encouraged the children to participate, ask questions, and think critically about the scientific phenomena being demonstrated.

3D Science Show Ticket
The 3D Science Show was another highlight of the visit. Wearing 3D glasses, the children were transported into a world of three-dimensional scientific wonders. The show included fascinating visuals on various scientific topics, providing an immersive experience that combined entertainment with education. The children were thrilled by the lifelike images and the sense of being part of the action.

Space and Astronomy Centre (Digital Planetarium Show)
The Digital Planetarium Show at the Space and Astronomy Centre offered an advanced exploration of the universe. Using state-of-the-art digital technology, the planetarium presented detailed visuals of space, including planets, galaxies, and black holes. The children were mesmerized by the high-definition projections and the comprehensive narrative that accompanied the visuals, deepening their understanding of the cosmos.

Science on a Sphere
One of the most innovative exhibits at the Shrikrishna Science Centre is the Science on a Sphere. This exhibit uses a 1.8-meter spherical globe to display real-time atmospheric and climatic data. The children watched as the sphere projected weather patterns, ocean currents, and other dynamic environmental data. This interactive exhibit provided a global perspective on science, showing the interconnectedness of Earth’s systems.

The Innovation Hub

The Innovation Hub at the Shrikrishna Science Centre offers a unique opportunity for children to develop their ideas in Science & Technology. The Hub is open over weekends and includes several specialized areas:

Innovation Resource Centre and Hall of Fame
The Innovation Resource Centre and Hall of Fame are equipped for model making, science experiments, and testing samples. Here, children can engage in hands-on learning, experimenting with different materials and concepts to bring their ideas to life. This space is designed to inspire creativity and encourage problem-solving skills.

Thod Phod Jod (Break & Remake) Corner
The Thod Phod Jod Corner allows children to dismantle and reassemble gadgets. This hands-on learning approach helps them understand how things work, fostering a deeper appreciation for engineering and technology. By breaking down and rebuilding devices, the children learn about the components and mechanisms that make everyday gadgets function.

Kabad Se Jugad (Build from Scraps)
In the Kabad Se Jugad area, children use everyday scraps to create new and useful items. This activity promotes practical learning and sustainability, teaching children the value of recycling and innovative thinking. By repurposing waste materials, they learn how to solve problems creatively and resourcefully.

Idea Box and Design Studio
The Idea Box is a space for generating and storing innovative ideas. Children can jot down their thoughts and concepts, which can later be developed in the Design Studio. The Design Studio is equipped with tools and materials for creating prototypes and designs, allowing children to bring their ideas to fruition.

The fully air-conditioned auditorium at the Shrikrishna Science Centre is equipped with audio-visual equipment and seats 150 people. It is used for various educational programs, lectures, and presentations, enhancing the learning experience with multimedia resources.

Souvenir Counter
The Souvenir Counter offers a range of scientific gadgets, toys, posters, and replicas of exhibits. Children can take home a piece of their experience, further encouraging their interest in science and technology.

Additional Exhibits

Children Gallery and Fun Science Gallery
These galleries feature interactive exhibits designed to make science fun and engaging. The exhibits cover a wide range of topics, encouraging hands-on learning and exploration.

Mirrors and Images Gallery
This gallery features optical illusions and interactive exhibits such as the 'Mirror Maze', 'Infinite Well', and 'Head on a Platter'. These exhibits fascinated the children, demonstrating the principles of optics and perception in a fun and captivating way.

Evolution Gallery
The Evolution Gallery portrays the origin and evolution of life. Through detailed displays and interactive exhibits, the children learned about the history of life on Earth and the processes that have shaped the diversity of living organisms.

Ocean Gallery
The Ocean Gallery explains oceanic science and phenomena through interactive exhibits. The children explored the mysteries of the deep sea, learning about marine life, ocean currents, and the impact of human activities on ocean ecosystems.

Science Park and Jurassic Park
The Science Park and Jurassic Park exhibits provided an outdoor experience, displaying prehistoric life and engaging visitors in the evolution of life on Earth. The children enjoyed seeing life-sized models of dinosaurs and learning about the prehistoric world.

3D Theatre and Digital Planetarium Show
These facilities provided immersive experiences in 3D cinema and astronomy, offering the children a chance to explore scientific concepts in a dynamic and engaging environment.

Science Show and Taramandal
These interactive learning experiences focused on basic astronomy and scientific phenomena, rounding out the educational visit with hands-on activities and demonstrations.

The visit to the Shrikrishna Science Centre was a tremendous success. The children from the Navjeevan Learning Center were thrilled by the engaging and interactive exhibits, which made learning about science a fun and exciting experience. The visit sparked curiosity and enthusiasm among all the young minds, leaving a lasting impression that will inspire them to explore and learn more about the world of science. The day's activities culminated in a colorful celebration, with the children putting color on each other, symbolizing the joy and excitement of their scientific adventure.