
The organization has been committed to sensitize and create an atmosphere among the Children, Adolescents, Women, families and the community that they may have an enabling environment for better realizing their Rights and enhancing their total wellbeing.The Organization has been collaborating with other like-minded organizations and networking at various levels on education, health, nutrition, disaster management and community building. These networks have played important role in influencing and strengthening our programs.and multiplying the impact. The major interventions and actions are often carried out on the strength of a great team work including many grassroots institutions, organizations and individuals. NESWSD has developed community institutions in the form of Community-Based Organizations in various slum locations in Patna. There are above 100 units of such CBOs whose leaders are already aligned to the priority issues of NESWSD. There are also a number of NGOs and other like-minded Civil Society Organizations which are operating along with NESWSD in the form of an organized Network.

The networking interventions we had initiated in the previous years has grown and we have a good number of individuals and institutions associating with us on the issue of Child Protection. We are acting at village, mohalla, block and district levels through this networking with other organizations. We have also developed good relationship with the District Child Protection Unit (DPCU) and the State Child Protection Society (SCPS) which are statutory institutions responsible for child protection.

Our strategies include creating an enabling family /community environment building wherein interventions at the care taker/family level through formation and promotion of Mothers’ groups, as well at the children level strengthening the quality education for the poor and marginalized children thereby preparing them to grow as responsible citizen. Further in this regard we have been undertaking various campaigns and awareness programmes on various social issues and specific issues at the localities.