Child Wellbeing

The Child Wellbeing, Child Rights and Child Leadership Programme of the organization evolved out of the Child Parliament Units we had been nurturing and through the various initiatives taken by the members of the Child Parliament Units. Child Protection and especially tracking the cases of potential child trafficking have become serious concerns of the children participating in the child parliament units. The child parliament members receive a number of training and handholding in growing as responsible leaders in their communities and in undertaking a number of social and civic responsibility actions on their own initiatives.

We have been for a long time committed to forming and nurturing Children’s Parliament Units (BAL SANSAD) engaging children from each Supplementary education Center. The Children’s parliament aims to contribute and realize Child Rights. It is acting as a unique platform for the children to be motivated and build leadership. It helps the children to think and participate in a responsible participatory decision-making process to manage their present life affairs. It cultivates social awareness and service mentality as well as civil responsibility towards the peer groups and community.

NESWSD also provides an opportunity for the children to grow up thinking nationally and globally and acting at least locally. The child parliament members are oriented on various social issues such as child marriage, child labour and trafficking the locality is facing. They also try to solve various issues at their local levels.